Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena has announced its support for NDA’s candidate Draupadi Murmu in the upcoming presidential elections. Uddhav held a meeting with his party officials on Monday regarding the presidential elections.
Apparently, 16 out of 22 Sena MPs extended their support to Murmu. As the majority of MPs supported Murmu, the high command also made its decision in favour of the NDA-backed candidate. 10% of Maharashtra’s population comes under the ST category. Thus, Sena might have felt it is important to support the tribal leader Murmu.
Meanwhile, Sena leader Sanjay Raut affirmed that supporting Murmu didn’t mean that party is supporting BJP. He said that Shiv Sena always supported the right presidential candidate irrespective of his/her party. He said that Sena had supported UPA-backed Pratibha Patil and Pranab Mukherjee in the past even though Sena was not allied with Congress at that time. With the support from multiple regional parties across the country, it is now quite evident that Draupadi Murmu will become the next president of India, opined the political experts.