Starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles, the film Brahmastra is creating a sensation already across the nation. Ayan Mukerji is the film’s director. Karan Johar, Apurva Mehta, and others are producing the film. Director Rajamouli is presenting the movie to audiences in Telugu. Meanwhile, there is a big target in front of the film, especially in Telugu.
The makers are planning big for the film’s release in Telugu. We hear that there is a big target for the film in terms of collecting revenue.
We hear that the film’s target is to earn more than 30 Cr rupees on an opening day at the box office. With the film having a wide pan-India release across the country, there are high expectations that the film does well in Telugu as well.
Already, the entire team is busy promoting the film in Telugu in an aggressive manner. So, if the film can score well, it will clearly prove a point that Brahmastra has got the potential to do well among all the Hindi films that released in the recent past.
Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna Akkineni and others acted in the film. More details are awaited.