Megastar Chiranjeevi remade the Malayalam super hit film Lucifer in Telugu. Titled Godfather, the film is directed by Mohan Raja who made his directorial debut with the film Hanuman Junction. The film features Salman Khan in a special appearance. Along with shining in some scenes, Salman will also be seen in a special song where he shook his leg along with Chiranjeevi.
The movie unit began the film’s promotions and a press conference has been held in Mumbai. Salman Khan made his attendance to the event to share some interesting things about the film.
“Salman Khan came just because of the friendship he shares with Chiranjeevi. The film will satisfy all the audiences,” revealed director Mohan Raja at the event, saying that he feels lucky to direct Salman Khan.
Satyadev was also excited to be a part of the film and shared his thoughts of facing Salman Khan in the film, as an antagonist.
“There’s an important role in GodFather and we wanted Salman Khan for that character. When we approached him, he immediately said yes. I and Charan will always be indebted to Salman Khan who didn’t take remuneration for the movie.” said Chiranjeevi.
“Chiru garu told me that there’s a small role in this film. I asked him to give me a role where I just stand behind him. But, he gave me this role. I am happy and we did this out of love we have for cinema,” said Salman.
Godfather is releasing on 5th October, 2022