The popular celebrity couple, Vignesh Shivan and Nayantara, welcomed their twin babies on October 9, 2022. Sharing this happiness, Vignesh announced about the arrival of babies’ via a tweet. Director shared four adorable pictures as well in his social media account.
In the pictures shared by Vignesh, the couple are seen kissing the feet of their babies. His tweet read that he and Nayanthara have become parents (Appa and Amma) and are gifted with twin boys. He added that all the manifestations and blessings of their ancestors have come to life in the form of these two boys. He ended the tweet by asking for blessings for their sons and revealing their names as Ulagam and Uyir.
Fans of this celebrity couple are overjoyed by the news and are flooding the comment section with best wishes.
For the unversed, Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan and actress Nayanthara got married this June, on the 9th. The couple became parents for Twin boys through Surrogacy.