Bollywood hero Varun Dhawan has joined hands with the director of the 2018 blockbuster ‘Sthree’, Amar Kaushik for yet another supernatural horror comedy ‘Bhediya’. It is the third instalment in Vijan’s horror-comedy universe and was released on 25 November 2022 along with a Telugu dubbed version titled ‘Thodelu’ and a Tamil dubbed version titled ‘Onai.’
The film tells the story of Bhaskar, who visits Arunachal Pradesh for a development project, upon being bitten by a werewolf becomes one himself. Upon its release, the film received mixed to positive reviews with good word of mouth. But it looks like the business is affected by the running blockbuster ‘Drishyam 2’.
According to the reports ‘Bhediya’ collected ₹7.48 CR on Friday, ₹9.57 CR on Saturday, and ₹11.50 CR on Sunday. With significant growth on Day 3, it collected a total of ₹ 28.55 CR in India, while ₹ 12.06 CR, ₹ 14.60 CR, ₹ 17.01 CR globally, accumulating to a total of ₹43.67 CR gross box office worldwide. Trade pundits opine that the film shall record a good gross by the end of its first-week run as the film has strong word of mouth.