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HomeNewsTop 10 widely used languages in the world!

Top 10 widely used languages in the world!

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Around 200 nations in the world have 775+ Cr people speaking close to 7000+ different languages. Every locality has its regional script and language, India alone has 22+ official languages. But, the most used official languages are very few in the world and let us speak take you through them:

English: The language is used in more than 60 countries and around 135 Cr people use it as a universal language. Since it is widely used as an official language in work places, the number of people speaking English is very high.

Mandarin: It is an official language in China and derived from the Portuguese word ‘Mandarim’. More than 112 Cr people across the world use this language and it is officially used in China, Taiwan & Singapore.

Hindi: Widely used language in India. While 60+ Cr people use it across the world, 52+ Cr are from India alone. Besides India, Hindi is spoken in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, South Africa and more.

Spanish: Originated in Spain, the language is in use in 20+ nations and apart from Spain, it is most widely spoken in North America, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, Columbia and Argentina. Close to 54+ Cr people use this language around the world.

Arabic: Saudi Arabia, Libiya, Qatar, Omen, Iraq, Libiya, Somalia and Bahrain use Arabic as key communication mode. More than 27+ Cr use it as an official language and is one of few scripts written from right to left.

Bengali: This Indian language is widely spoken in West Bengal, Tripura, Assam and Jharkhand. Also, it is used in our neighboring country Bangladesh. While ‘Bengali’ is the official language of Bangladesh, it is national language in India.

French: Apart from France, 29 countries in the world use French as an official language. And 26.7 Cr people across the world use French as a mode of communication.

Russian: Originated in Russia, the language is still used in former Soviet Union nations like Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan. After getting out of the Soviet Union, these countries have implemented their native language but Russian is still spoken in several places. Around 25.8 Cr people speak this language.

Portugese: Though originated in Portugal, it is mostly used in Brazil, Angola and Mozambique nations. While 10+ countries use it as an official language, 25.8 Cr people speak it on a daily basis. Interestingly, the number of people speaking Russian and Portuguese is equal.

Urdu: This has got a close association with Urdu language, and it is officially used in India and Pakistan. With more than 23 Cr people using it, it is similar to Arabic – written from right to left.

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