We have already reported to our readers that students protested at Chandigarh University in Punjab’s Mohali after a girl allegedly leaked the private videos of her hostel mates online. The police have registered the case and taken the accused into custody. In a latest development, we have come to know that a man from Shimla has been arrested in connection with the Chandigarh University ‘leaked’ video case.
According to the reports, the accused filmed the videos of her hostel mates and sent them to a man in Himachal Pradesh. There were speculations that the student attempted suicide after the incident but the cops have confirmed that nothing of that sort has happened. The cops are continuing their investigation currently.
The police officials have confirmed that the man from Shimla is known to the accused female student. The man has been identified as 23-year-old Sunny Mehta, a resident of Shimla’s Rohru.
“It’s a very sensitive matter & relates to dignity of our sisters & daughters. We all including media should be very very cautious, it is also a test of ours now as a society,” tweeted Punjab school education minister.
Chandigarh University, pro-chancellor RS Bawa, in a statement said, “The rumour which is circulating through the media that 60 objectionable MMS have been found of students is totally false and baseless. During the preliminary investigation conducted by the university, there have been no videos found of any student that are objectionable except a personal video shot by a girl that she shared with her boyfriend.”