Ace Filmmaker Atlee is rocking headlines for a long time after he announced his collaboration with King of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan. The two are working together for Jawan and it is the debut for Atlee in Bollywood. Nayanthara is playing the female lead role in this movie and Vijay Sethupathi will be acting as antagonist. For multiple reasons, this project is carrying huge buzz among trade circles as well.
On Thursday, Atlee took to his social media handle to share an unseen picture of him with Superstar SRK and Kollywood Thalapathy Vijay who have attended his birthday bash on 21st Sept. The director wrote saying “What more can I ask on my bday , the best bday ever wit my pillars. My dear @iamsrk sir & ennoda annae ennoda thalapathy @actorvijay”.
The picture has shattered the social media pages and Instagram channels for various reasons best known to all. Making it even more memorable for the young filmmaker, fans have flooded him with thousands of birthday wishes.
Before that, Atlee thanked his fans and friends for their warm wishes as “Thank you to all my fans, friends and family who have taken your time to wish me. Thanks to each and everyone of you for making my birthday so special. Love you all”.