Young Rebel Star Prabhas is currently busy shooting for his new film Salaar. The actor who took some time out of his schedules to be with his family is back in action. After the demise of Krishnam Raju, Prabhas has called off all work related appointments and spent time with his family. Slowly, he is getting back to work and the first thing he did was to turn up on the sets of Salaar. Directed by Prashanth Neel, the film features Shruthi Haasan as the female lead.
Interestingly, Shruti Haasan is working for the first time with Prabhas and the film also marks her debut in Kannada cinema. She has earlier shared a lot of interesting things about the role she plays in the film as well as the film’s theme. Recently, she had opened up on the film again while interacting with a media portal.
Sharing her experience of working with director Prashanth Neel, Shruti said that Prashanth Neel is fabulous with his actors and it is nice to work with someone who is clear headed about his vision. “Salaar is so huge and it is also human,” said the actress.
The actress is also shooting currently for NBK107.