We all know that the Bollywood actor Susanth Singh Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai house in June 2020. The hero’s sudden demise left everyone across the nation in shock and made the police start a drugs investigation from then, thinking that it had a link with the case.
Marking it, The NCB in the Special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPC) Court filed draft charges against 35 accused in June month of the year. The details from the draft report were made available on Yesterday.
As per this draft it is said that the accused Rhea Chakroborty had taken many deliveries of ganja from accused Showik, Samuel Miranda, Dipesh Sawant and others. “She also handed over those deliveries to the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput”, the draft added.
Also it is claimed that Susanth’s former roommate Siddharth Pithani had direct contact with Rajput, Chakraborty and others for procuring ganja.
To the unversed, Rhea is rumoured to be the lover of the late Susanth. In September 2020, she was arrested in a drugs case but granted bail by the Bombay High Court In October 2020.