Bollywood hero Arjun Kapoor & actress Malaika Arora has been dating for four years now. Their relationship has always been under scrutiny and mostly subjected to various rumours, while the couple occasionally punches them down with their social media posts. But yesterday it was different.
On Wednesday evening, Arjun Kapoor called out an article which reported that Malaika Arora is pregnant. “Exclusive – Is Malaika Arora pregnant?” read the headline of the article. Taking it to his Instagram story, Arjun Kapoor shared that article and wrote “This is the lowest you could have gone and you have done it by being casual, insensitive and absolutely unethical in carrying garbage news. This journalist has been writing such pieces regularly and getting away with it because we tend to ignore these fake gossip articles while they spread across media and become the truth. This is not done. Don’t dare to play with our personal lives.”
Although it is rare, he actually tagged the published media house along with the reported journalist, while, Malaika Arora called out the report in her Instagram story and wrote: “F**** disgusting.”